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About Author

Hailing from Detroit Michigan, Executive Director of 4 His Glory Ministries and President/CEO of U Can Productions, Devine Matthews was raised a devout Muslim. She has worn many hats but considers herself first and foremost God’s Handmaid.”  Well into adulthood, a series of events brought the married mother of two to the knowledge of Jesus, the Messiah, the Anointed One and the true God. Her decision to become a Christian was not an easy one and carried with it many repercussions, but for Devine, there was no turning back. The peace and freedom she discovered were well worth the challenges she faced. With fervor and passion she set about to share her faith with others so that they too could find the joy she now experience.  Her efforts let to feature articles in The Detroit Free Press, Christian Examiner, A Christian Place Magazine and PRWEB. Devine realized that in order to fully live out her dream however, she would have to relocate to California. The songwriter, screenwriter, playwright, television host and producer, along with her son and husband, left behind a life of familiarity and ease in Detroit in order to follow her dream of going into the entertainment industry.  The first few years were incredibly difficult ones for Devine and her family and one point; they were homeless. But nothing deterred her from her dream. "All of that has now become secondary after our own personal struggles since relocating here,” Devine says. “There is a great and serious need for the homeless and less fortunate." In California, Devine became a contributing writer to A Christian Place Magazine and is actively involved in her outreach ministry and various outreach activities. She recently showcased the third public performance of her play “Lord, U Promised Me.” Devine is currently working diligently to reach out to youth through their annual Youth Empowerment Festival, on taking her play on the road and producing a movie.  She is also producing Youth Unlimited Show and Gospel TV.  Both shows are airing on Time Warner cable.  Devine is one of the contributing editors of a newly released book titled, “Happy Wife Happy Life”. 
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Matthew 22: 36-39 - Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.